Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 8

wow. i suck at this. but honestly, the every other day (or few days) updates really show the progress i've been making :)

Today was honestly the first day i've been in a bad mood from my surgery. I was just in a bad mood in general because Cameron has been gone for so long (thats honestly the real reason i was grumpy), but just the general discomfort i've been in from the surgery put me over the edge. I've calmed down now, but i was pretty pissy for most of the evening. Sorry parents :(

I've made a LOT of progress in my swelling and bruising- I am so excited for it to go all the way down! I know it will be a while before that happens, but a girl can dream, right? I'm expecting the swelling to slow down and start to take longer to go away soon though. Also the stitches in my mouth have been driving me nuts! I really hope this means that they're healing. They're starting to pop out of the skin and they make talking and smiling really extra-uncomfortable. I can't wait until they're gone. Both sides of my mouth have become raw from having my braces dig into them too. My mouth is just a really sad place right now- maybe its a good thing its kept shut most of the day.

I went to Dr L's on thursday, and unfortunately wasn't given the good news i've been wa
iting for. Oh well- maybe that will come next week, since i'm seeing him again monday and friday. However, i did get the stitches in my face out, and they didn't hurt at all. That was nice. Also he told me i could sleep in my own bed!! So, last night i slept on my stomach and loved every minute of it :)

Overall he said everything looks great. I can eat anything i can mash up with a spoon, too! The problem area around the stitches in the right side of my mouth cleared up and looks fine now, but i have developed a yeast infection in my mouth. That sounds so disgusting, doesn't it?! He said it happens sometimes, because of the antibiotics i've been taking. I'm glad he caught it though, because I sure wouldn't have! Basically the only sign that you have it (or the only sign i showed) was my tongue had a lot of white stuff on it. I thought it was normal because i'm not brushing my teeth as well as i used to (because i have to be careful), can't brush my tongue, and my mouth doesn't get a lot of air anymore, but really it's yeast on my tongue. Yuck! He gave me yet another prescription, which consists of 5 tablets a day that dissolve on my tongue, for 2 weeks. I can't wait until its over, because that 2 weeks ends exactly on the day that I get to see cameron Turn Blue :)

Overall its been a good past few days. I've been getting out of the house a lot, going for walks, and seeing my friends- i feel human again!! Now i just need the bands to come off :) Haha

Here's some update pictures for you. They were taken this morning, and i think the swelling has even gone down since the day's gone on. I'm convinced being on your feet helps a lot.

Front :)

On a completely un-related note, I just wanted to tell the world that currently my incredible soldier is making his way to the top of Honor Hill to become an official Infantryman. I could't be prouder of him. :)

Au demain,

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