Friday, August 13, 2010

2 weeks!

Holy Crap!

Well, its time for my infamous 2 week update! I can't believe that only 2 weeks ago I was just getting released from the hospital. It hasn't flown, and it hasn't been easy, but I am in awe of the progress I've made. Most people don't even notice anything wrong with my face anymore, well except for the fact that I can't talk. :)

I went back to the doc again today, and unfortunately I still have to leave my bands in almost all the time. That really frustrates me, because he doesn't want to see me before I leave to see Cameron, which means that I'm going to have my bands in basically all the time for our first week together. Lameee! I see him again on the 24th, and I think he'll let me take them out then- or at least thats what he alluded to. Absolutely nothing new to report- he just gave me new cinnamon mouthwash which is epic- i love it. Its supposed to help "deflate" the tissue on the sides of my face inside my mouth, so I think that if i use it like a mad-woman over the next few days my swelling will go down even more! Hooray!

My new task on my mind is how the hell am I going to take a giant liter of salt water, this big thing of mouth wash, and all of my other "mouth care" stuff with me to Mississippi? I was planning on traveling only with carry-ons again, but I just don't know if thats possible with all of my mouth washes. I know I can just make salt water there, but I have no idea how i'm going to finagle my way into getting my new stuff onto a plane. Oh well, its just something else to occupy my mind with, i suppose!! Maybe it will make time go by faster.

I leave MONDAY. Eek! I am so excited. I got a letter from Cameron today, saying that he's officially an Infantryman. I'm so proud of him :) This time next week he will be graduated and by my side! Woo! Its been such a long journey, but its been worth it.

Now I just have to find a way to pack for school and everything in the next 72 hours! And my best friend is back in town so I'm spending all day tomorrow with her... yikes! Its a good thing i'll be busy i guess- i'm going crazy counting down the days!!

Here's some photos I took last night. As promised, a smile one too!! :)

Have a great weekend!!


  1. I don't want to dissapoint you, but I was in some sort of bands until the day I got my braces off. I had the annoying stupid front-side practically-banded-shut-but-not-really bands for 2 months, and then they wanted to keep me in them but there was no way to teach with them in.

    You're looking fantastic - and congrats about Cameron. My husband is military, and my little brother just swore in Tuesday - ships out to basic in Jan to be an infantryman. Keep your chin up.

  2. You look awesome! I just hit my two week mark today too! :) I was completely banded shut until Wednesday and luckily they didn't give my any bands because my bite fit perfectly in my splint! Hopefully I don't have to get some next week...they said I might :( Sooo jealous of the mouthwash you can use to decrease swelling! My swelling has been the same for the past few days... ughhh. Have fun in Mississippi!
